🌿 Podstiče izbacivanje nagomilane tečnosti iz organizma.
🌿 Smanjuje celulit i naslage na bokovima.
🌿 Pomaže kod zatvora i lenjih creva.
🌿 Jača kosti i pomaže kod bolova u zglobovima.
🌿 Pospešuje stvaranje crvenih krvnih zrnaca.
🌿 Štiti mokraćne puteve i čitav urinarni trakt.
🌿 Jača kosu, nokte i kožu.
📖 Composition and antimicrobial activity of Equisetum arvense L. essential oil (link)📖 Antioxidative and antiproliferative activities of different horsetail (Equisetum arvense L.) extracts📖 Equisetum arvense (common horsetail) modulates the function of inflammatory immunocompetent cells📖 Effects of Equisetum arvense Ointment on Dermal Wound Healing📖 Randomized, Double-Blind Clinical Trial to Assess the Acute Diuretic Effect of Equisetum arvense📖 Equisetum arvense hydromethanolic extracts in bone tissue regeneration📖 Equisetum arvense L. Extract Induces Antibacterial Activity and Modulates Oxidative Stress, Inflammation, and Apoptosis
Tekst je informativnog karaktera i nije namenjen dijagnostikovanju, lečenju ili prevenciji bilo koje bolesti.